App APK Backup Restore Sharer let you to easy share your apps to your friends,you can share by link of Google play or directly share APK (Apps full package).This support many method to share your apps, you can share bymessage, Gmail, Bluetooth, whats app, Facebook Dropbox etc.App APK Backup Restore Sharer also support share multiple apps at one time.This App also allow you to sort your application by Name Size Time Date It also allow you to Sort in Ascending order or Descending order.Application Features:* This App Share Apk File and Google Play Links.* Allow Multi Apks Sharing at a time.* It Allow Sharing on Gmail Email Whatsapp Drop Box Viber and Facebook etc.* This App Allows sorting in Ascending and descending order.* Sort your Apps according to Name, time date and size.* It also allow you to check info of any install app.* Open and visit google-play link of any app also uninstall any app you want.For questions and inquiries or improvement requests: